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Infusions in sachets and loose leaves

You have entered the infusion section, which you can find here in sachets or loose leaves, prepared only with the best herbs, spices and the tastiest and most fragrant fruit. Relaxing and tasty mixes for a real moment of relaxation and the pleasure of a break. Our infusions for sale online are of excellent quality, prepared by artisans of taste, tea professionals and great connoisseurs of oriental cultures and more. Start this journey among our infusions that come from all over the world: only the best quality for sale online on Spaghetti and Mandolin and

at the right price.

How do we ship infusions in sachets and in

loose leaves

Spaghetti & Mandolino has always been synonymous with quality: we are l&' the only e-commerce in Italy that guarantees online sale of the best infusions in sachets or loose leaves and, as such, they deserve shipping and packaging in accordance with standards that allow us to preserve the properties and l&' integrity of every single product.

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Infusions in sachets and loose leaves: history and information

Infusions have always been a cuddle, a moment of relaxation, a combination of taste and well-being, even if only because of the calm that comes with stopping for a moment and taking a moment for yourself, just to enjoy something good and do good. On Spaghetti and Mandolin you can find the best infusions, made with quality ingredients, which arrive at your home perfectly packaged, so as to preserve the aromas of these fantastic infusions intact


The difference between infusions and herbal teas

Disseminated since ancient times, infusions and herbal teas share a common history and tradition that starts from ancient Greece, reaches the Middle Ages and finally to the present day. In reality, these two types of drink are different in purpose and method of preparation. Both the infusion and the herbal tea obtained by infusion, while exploiting the extractive properties of hot water, follow different principles for the selection of ingredients and their preparation. If we talk about herbal teas, the ingredients will be selected exclusively for therapeutic purposes, with mixtures designed that still maintain a pleasant flavor, but which goes into the background, since the objective of an herbal tea is to have some therapeutic virtue. Infusions, on the other hand, have taste as their prerogative: infusions may provide some benefit but that is not their primary purpose. Furthermore, if we talk about infusions in the strict sense, we are talking about a drink that mixes leaves and flowers of the same plant, without combining it with other plants that provide similar benefits. In any case, when flowers and plants of different types are mixed in an infusion, it is done mainly to give a moment of relaxation and well-being with a full and enveloping taste experience. Even if this is not their primary purpose, obviously many quality infusions, such as those offered by Spaghetti and Mandolin, contain beneficial properties, as is the case with chamomile infusion, Rooibos infusion or Karkadè infusion.
In short, if both of these drinks can be obtained by macerating herbs, flowers, fruits or vegetables in hot water, herbal teas stand out for their complex and studied combinations of ingredients, while infusions stand out for their

round and satisfying taste.

Fruit infusions, herbal infusions and juices

The peculiarity of the infusions, however, does not lie only in the taste, but also in the way in which this taste is obtained. If only fruit pulp is used in centrifuges and juices, however fresh it is, in infusions, through the action of hot water, it is possible to extract flavor and nutritional properties not only from the pulp, but also from the skin and leaves. In addition, with an infusion it is possible to make tasty and edible herbs, flowers and roots that could not be inserted in juices or centrifuged, or that in any case would not have the same effect in terms of taste and benefits. This is why by drinking an infusion you can experience new flavors while also doing good and letting yourself be carried away to distant countryside or lands, in a moment of pure relaxation. In addition, most of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables are found in the skin, usually discarded when you want to enjoy a fresh preparation. Only when prepared in hot water can you fully enjoy all the aromas of fruits, vegetables and plants, and you can also enjoy a few more benefits


Rooibos: tea or infusion?

The role of Rooibos, straddling tea and infusions, is rather conflicting. Rooibos infusion is in fact commonly called red tea, even if it is not obtained from the leaves of the tea plant, but from the leaves of another plant, the same name as the infusion, belonging to the Leguminaceae family. This plant native to Africa is processed following the same procedures through which the qualities of tea derived from the leaves of Camellia sinensis are produced: this explains the ambiguous situation of Rooibos, halfway between tea and infusion. Since the plant from which it is obtained grows only on the highlands of the southwestern area of South Africa, the infusions containing Rooibos are very suggestive and sought after, also because they are not bitter, naturally free of theine and pleasant both to drink in hot water but also when cooled. Furthermore, thanks to their particular nature, Rooibos infusions lend themselves to surprising combinations and are ready to delight your every break and every

moment of well-being.

So what are you waiting for? Go now and take a look at our selection of infusions, and start doing good to yourself with taste!

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