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The best products for appetizers

Enjoying delicious appetizers for lunch, dinner, for a party, with guests or family is not laborious at all: just have a little imagination and have ingredients that have that extra touch of taste. #39 Thanks to the rich Italian tradition, there are many food and wine products and preparations that you can find in these categories dedicated to appetizers


Dinner with friends: get rid of the appetizer panic!

The first impression is always what counts. In fact, what better way to amaze than with succulent and imaginative appetizers? The real first course that serves to capture l&' guest and start off great by satisfying l& #39

; appetite.

Only quality appetizer and cream products

And then off with the typical appetizers all&' Italian: typical cold cuts, pickles, selected oil and pickles, and the creams to be spread on a crouton or breadsticks. #39 From &' unobtainable organic Jerusalem artichoke cream, the real Cerignola olives, the hearts of lampascioni. Over 100 products chosen with passion, selected to make your appetizers truly Italian, delivered in special packaging, even in gift boxes.

The history of appetizers is very interesting! The term "appetizer" derives from the Latin construction "ante-paestum" which literally means "before lunch" and was used to indicate that series of foods with a light taste and simple preparation that were used to open lunch. The Romans loved to consume vegetable crudités as appetizers accompanied by a variety of sauces, or caramelized fruit, especially figs. Centuries later, this way of putting appetizers before traditional dishes is still a &' a particularly widespread custom, especially in Italy.

There are many ways to make your appetizers inviting, preparing contrasts of tuna paté, with parsley, lemon slices, olives that offer a fantastic range of colors and flavors, marinated with herbs, filled with almond nuts or spicy filling, displaying cold cuts on a plate, such as raw ham, salami, copa, speck mortadella, other regional cold cuts, varied with hard cheeses, such as Pecorino Romano or Parmigiano Reggiano, with canned peppers, onions, onions and dried tomatoes (discover the delicious appetizers region by region).

To create quick and simple appetizers or to enrich some pre-cooked appetizers with something delicious, vegetables in oil are a &' an excellent solution, practical and quick. The vegetables that are put in oil are many, of which the main ones are eggplants, artichokes, tomatoes, peppers, chillies and zucchini. Having quality jars of vegetables in oil in the fridge can save us on those occasions when we invite a few friends home without having prepared any particular appetizer. Pickles are practical to serve because you just need to remove them from the jar and serve them on a plate with bread, crackers or breadsticks, perhaps accompanied with good cold cuts, and that's it. In short, you can never be taken aback because you will always be able to offer with extreme simplicity something genuine but full of


Italian appetizers

Italian appetizers are perhaps the most elaborate but this does not mean that they are now a consolidated custom, perhaps thanks also to &' influence that Italian cuisine has exerted on the continent, and not only, starting from the middle of the 20th century, also in other European countries. In France we can find them under the name of "hors d&' œuvres “, literally “outside d&' opera”, while in English-speaking countries, especially Great Britain and the United States, they are called "starters" or “those who start”. The types of appetizers vary mainly depending on the State but even on the region in which they are prepared because, very often, they are linked to typical products present in the territory itself.

Speaking of Italian appetizers, in fact, a magical world made of secrets and traditions opens up.

Appetizers: creams and paté

Bruschetta is certainly an evergreen when it comes to appetizers, perhaps the most classic of all, inextricably linked to &' Italianness in the world. The possibilities in this case are endless and it is almost difficult to choose the products to use to create your ideal appetizer. Here on Spaghetti & Mandolino you will find an infinite variety of creams and pates for appetizers of the highest quality and rich in taste that will make your croutons suitable for any occasion: from a simple tomato sauce, a cream of olives, black or green depending on your preferences, a rustic but very tasty ground lard, up to something more elaborate. Other excellent combinations to offer on a crouton are in fact the one between cream of green asparagus and eggs but also between cream of radicchio and a good cheese fondue. Our offer is very wide and assures you not only creams with a superfine taste, but it also manages to guarantee you the best quality, a characteristic conferred by the ingredients that our suppliers carefully select to create a product that is not only good, but that can surprise you in all its simplicity.

That's not all! In addition to creams for appetizers, on our site you can find other types of products that can enrich your proposal on the table, such as cold cuts and cheeses. Here, too, the difficulty is really great because, having the good fortune to live in an extraordinary country like l&' Italy, the possibilities of choice seem endless. Cold cuts, from raw ham, lard, bacon, salami, copa, mortadella and many others, are an element that alone can create rich and tasty appetizers that enhance the best products of each region, simply combining them with a slice of bread or a piece of polenta, roasted or with a spoon. Even cheeses, our other flagship product, are perfect as appetizers, perhaps accompanied by a little' honey or jellies with special flavors, of which we can offer you a vast variety, which allow you to create a &' a truly disruptive harmony of flavors. However, even cheeses can be combined with polenta, especially hot, which allows the cheese to melt just enough to make it softer and melt in the mouth with disarming


Appetizers: subsection' oil and subsection

' vinegar

A typical Italian product that lends itself to the preparation of appetizers are vegetables under &' oil and under &' vinegar. They were prepared at home by housewives since ancient times to preserve vegetables and then consume them out of season when they did not exist fresh. There are many types of vegetables under' oil such as, for example, peppers, fava beans, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, mushrooms, olives, dried tomatoes but also many others.
Under &' vinegar, on the other hand, you will find the very famous Giardiniera, a mixture of vegetables cut into small pieces then boiled in water or wine and vinegar with a characteristic sour taste. The vegetables generally used to prepare the gardener are carrots, celery, cauliflower, spring onions, peppers and gherkins. Finally, here you can find the best tuna fillets under &' ideal oil to combine, on a crouton, with excellent capers and a little &' of mayonnaise.

We can say that fantasy is undoubtedly the word d&' order and therefore the advice is to leave room for it in all its forms and go wild to create all possible combinations in order to make every single appetizer a &' an experience full of taste and truly unforgettable, for you and your guests. At Spaghetti & Mandolino, we offer you only the best to start your meal with the right step
