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Fresh Seasonal Vegetables at Home

We have always dreamed of being able to go directly “to the farmer” to choose vegetables: canned tomatoes, peppers we love or eggplants or all the vegetables in season. This is why, to search for producers, one of our selectors went to l&' Italy to look for the right “farmers”, those from whom you know that the vegetable is exactly as you imagine it: it still smells like

a vegetable garden.

How do we ship fresh vegetables

Fresh seasonal vegetables that can be purchased online are a combination that combines l&' high quality of local Italian production with the convenience of home delivery. This is precisely the mission of Spaghetti & Mandolino: to go in search of regional Italian excellence and make them available to the general public thanks to online sales. Using certified selectors, we are able to find real goodies for lovers of good food, Italian flavors and even those who choose the convenience of being able to receive their groceries directly at home. In our online shop you will find healthy and genuine flavors and flavors for sale. We guarantee for you a standard packaging that preserves all the characteristics and properties of the product, and a fast shipment to allow you to have these flavors on the table in

a very short time.

Fresh vegetables are one of the fundamental and essential elements of a healthy and balanced diet, given l&' the supply of necessary vitamins to which they contribute. It is now clear that you cannot help but consume a little' of vegetables a day, and why not enjoy products with incredible and certified quality like those selected by us at Spaghetti and Mandolino? Trust me, try and we won't let you down!

Why choose fresh seasonal vegetables

The reasons for choosing fresh seasonal vegetables are many and they are important both for us, for our well-being, for our wallet but also for the health of the planet.
The first advantage, material but not to be overlooked, is that seasonal products cost less and, since vegetables may not normally be too cheap, this is not an aspect to be underestimated. The reason for this savings is that non-seasonal vegetables need greenhouses and a lot of energy to grow and mature, which significantly increases production costs, which are then reflected in the price of the product. But the advantages are not only economic: fresh seasonal vegetables, cultivated following their normal life cycle, with fresh air and sun, are richer in nutrients and active ingredients and are suitable, in terms of taste and calorie intake, for the period of &' year during which it grows naturally. Not only that, seasonal vegetables taste better! Ripening in the sun under the right conditions for each different vegetable, allows the product to be enriched with all those nutrients that give it character and fragrance, since the development of the plant takes place in the right way.
Also, perhaps you don't know that, since plants grown in seasons other than theirs are weaker, a greater amount of pesticides are used to protect them, which is not good for our body or for the planet. But the real damage to this paragraph' the last is the environmental cost of certain products, such as peppers and zucchini for which, to make them available in winter, large heated and illuminated greenhouses are needed, which use a lot of energy. This paragraph' the latter often comes from non-renewable and polluting sources, to which synthetic pesticides and fertilizers must be added, therefore derived from petroleum. For these reasons, eating fresh seasonal vegetables improves your well-being and the condition of the &' environment


Fresh vegetables: better cooked or raw?

Fresh vegetables, both cooked and raw, are certainly rich in nutrients. To decide how to prepare your favorite vegetables, you have to pay attention to the type of cooking and the type of vegetable that we are going to prepare. For example, even if baking or grilling can be very tasty, it does not keep all the properties of the food intact, as does quick steam cooking. On the contrary, steaming, breaking the cellulose fibers, makes certain vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower and eggplants, more digestible, not to be allowed to cook for too long, in order to maintain their nutritional properties. A &' high category of vegetables preferably cooked to eat are those that contain carotenoids and vitamin A, such as carrots, squash, and bell peppers.
On the other hand, the various types of lettuce, arugula, celery, cucumbers and fennel should be consumed strictly raw, so as not to lose l&' supply of vitamin C and the mineral salts they contain, such as calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Finally, certain vegetables, already digestible when raw and not penalized by fast cooking, can be eaten in both ways. This is the case of zucchini, asparagus, spinach, fennel, chicory, tomatoes and even broccoli


Fresh vegetables: nutritional values and properties

Fresh vegetables, excluding seeds and tubers, generally have similar nutritional characteristics that are useful to our body. Going into detail, all vegetables have in common a series of similar organoleptic characteristics.
First of all, vegetables are very rich in water, in fact they can contain up to 95% of liquid. Thanks to this characteristic of theirs, they promote body hydration and improve the functioning of the &' body. #39
Fresh vegetables are also very rich in fibers that positively affect the proper functioning of the &' intestine, its purification and contribute to the maintenance of the physiological bacterial flora, in addition to modulating the &' absorption of nutrients. As you probably already know, fresh vegetables are also very rich in vitamins, especially vitamin A, C, E, K and folic acid. Even mineral salts are not lacking, especially potassium, magnesium, zinc and selenium, but sometimes also iron and calcium, even if they are a bit' more difficult to absorb.
Finally, vegetables contain other elements that, although not essential for the body, are extremely healthy, such as phytosterols, lecithins and phenolic substances, which help to keep cholesterol levels low and to counteract oxidative stress

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In a nutshell, fresh vegetables are good for you, and ours is definitely the best! You should take a look at &' take a look at our products and choose the one you like best, we guarantee the quality
