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The best quality Italian sugar

Sugar: l&' main ingredient for your cakes and sweet culinary creations. Good or bad, one of the essential pillars of any kitchen. But did you know that whole cane sugar is richer in vitamins and minerals than other types and provides a lower intake of calories? Absolutely ideal, therefore, for a low-calorie diet. On Spaghetti and Mandolino you can find for sale online the best Italian sugar produced by excellent companies that cultivate and process cane according to artisanal processes to allow you to have only the highest quality sugar in the kitchen. Give a &' check out our quality Italian sugar for sale online!

How do we ship Italian sugar

Spaghetti & Mandolino has always been synonymous with quality: we are l&' the only e-commerce in Italy that guarantees online sale of the best Italian sugar produced by artisans and companies that represent L&' excellence in the sector and, as such, they deserve shipping and packaging in accordance with standards that allow us to preserve the properties and l&' integrity of every single product.

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Organic Whole Raw Cane Sugar 1kg
Antico Molino Rosso
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The best quality Italian sugar: history and information

There are many types of sugar on the market, including Golden caster sugar, Demerara sugar, Muscovado sugar and the various types of sugar in liquid form, c&' it's really l&' spoiled for choice.

The main varieties of sugar

The three main types are raw sugar, brown sugar and white sugar. Raw sugar, also called 'brown sugar' all&' English, is more or less dark in color, since it still has molasses residues. It is not very valuable and is not considered a high quality product even from a nutritional point of view.
Whole-cane sugar, on the other hand, has a color that varies from yellow to brown, a delicate but persistent smell and a sweet taste with a caramel aftertaste. The craftsmanship that allows l&' extraction of this sugar preserves the original organoleptic properties of the plant, which is why cane sugar is the most nutritious, rich in vitamins and minerals. L&' the last of the three, the best known, is white sugar, which, as its name suggests, is white, sweet and odorless. The characteristics of this sugar are due to the industrial processes to which it is subjected, which deprive it of most of the


Sugar: a bit' of history

Sugar was known to the Greeks and Romans, who did not use it often and imported it from &' the East in small quantities. The Arabs, d&' on the other hand, caused sugar to spread in Spain and Sicily around &' year one thousand, then continued diffusion thanks to the Maritime Republics. All&' the beginning was rare and expensive, since it was imported from tropical countries, and it was an element of distinction between the noble classes. Sugar slowly began to enter kitchens, but it was with the discovery of America and the possibility of cultivating sugar cane in Brazil and the islands of the Antilles, that the cultivation and therefore the consumption of sugar began to increase. However, it was only in the 18th century that sugar began to be widely consumed. Since then, despite the blockades of trade during the Napoleonic period and the impediments due to protectionism in America, sugar has become an essential part of

our cuisine.

So, what are you waiting for? Go and browse our sugar proposals, we assure you that you will find only the best in quality and taste


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