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Vegan diet: a growing market

The vegan food market is growing.

November 1st was World Vegan Day: World Veg Day is mainly aimed at celebrating veganism, highlighting all the positive aspects of

this food choice.


Vegans, vegetarians and omnivores: a bit' of data

The &' initiative also promotes the exchange of ideas and dialogue with omnivores and vegetarians.
I take a cue from this for another reasoning: let's look at the vegan food market.

In 2023, according to data from the Italian Report of &' Eurispes, 4.2% of the sample interviewed adopted a vegetarian diet, while 2.4% identified themselves as vegan, bringing the total to 6.6%.

The interesting thing is that compared to &' previous year, there is a slight decrease, since in 2022 vegetarians were 5.4% and vegans l&' 1.3%. The remaining 93.4% of the sample say they do not follow a vegetarian diet, but 7% of them say they have done it in the past



L&' interest generated by plant-based products

In general, however, c&' is an increase of &' interest in plant-based products, in fact supermarkets dedicate more and more space to this category and are products that are also used by consumers who are not vegans or vegetarians.

In fact, overall, the global market for vegan foods, which amounted to 26.83 billion dollars in 2021, expects a significant increase to 65.4 billion in 2030, with an annual growth rate of 10.41%, according to a study conducted by Precedence Research



Microalgae as a protein supplement

Microalgae and first of all Spirulina with l&' very high protein content (65-70%) and the noble composition containing amino acids (it contains them all!) are part of this expanding market




More alternative proteins (based on microalgae) for everyone (not just vegetarians and vegans)? What do you say?

Matteo Castioni - autoreMatteo Castioni