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What are the secrets and hidden benefits of chestnuts?

I have always loved chestnuts, since as a child I went with my parents to their mountain uncles, in the Lessinia area (VR), to look for the hedgehogs that still contained them.

Chestnuts have always been considered the food of the poor, especially in the past. This was because they were an abundant, cheap, and easily available food


Cultivation and soil

Chestnuts grow on chestnut trees (surname and name Castanea sativa), which were very common in many mountain regions of &' Europe and are still present today in different areas. They are also present in unexpected areas, such as Sardinia and L&' Isola D&' Elba!

Chestnut trees prefer well-drained, deep soil. These trees can live for hundreds of years, producing fruit every fall. They are majestic.

Source of nutrients

Chestnuts are very nutritious and represent a &' an important source of carbohydrates, fibers and vitamins.

They also contain minerals such as potassium, iron and magnesium. Chestnuts are low in fat and contain no cholesterol, making them a &' great choice for a

balanced diet.

Have you ever tasted them raw?

A peculiarity of chestnuts is that they can be eaten both cooked and raw, although they are generally cooked before being consumed. I've never eaten them raw.

They can be roasted, boiled or used to prepare chestnut flour, which is widely used in the preparation of

traditional desserts.

Chestnuts are a versatile and nutritious food, which can be used in many culinary preparations


In addition to being tasty, chestnuts offer numerous health benefits thanks to their nutrient content.

Matteo Castioni - autoreMatteo Castioni