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Algae: a healthier and greener alternative to animal proteins

In a world that is increasingly attentive to health and to &' the environment, algae are proposed as an innovative solution to meet nutritional needs without compromising the planet.

The beneficial properties of seaweed

Research from &' University of Exeter shows that algae, in particular Spirulina and Chlorella, are rich in protein.

L&' diet that replaces meat with seaweed also helps to reduce l&' environmental impact deriving from meat production.

Decreasing meat production would also decrease the &' impact caused by farms.

L&' spirulina seaweed

It's a &' some blue water, already consumed by the Aztecs, is now a source of vitamin B12 and protein.

Experts, with experiments on healthy adults, have shown that l&' ingestion of protein from algae can improve overall well-being.

Research has in fact shown that l&' regular intake of quest&' seaweed supports the immune system, lowers levels of bad cholesterol and fights tiredness.

Spirulina, in particular, seems to excel with positive effects also on Chlorella.

L&' Chlorella algae

With an impressive nutritional profile, this microalgae offers high-quality proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates, fibers and a balanced blend of vitamins and minerals.

Its composition makes it a real superfood, helping to satisfy different nutritional needs with a single ingredient.

For those looking for alternative protein sources, Chlorella is a great option.

Its proteins contain all the essential amino acids, making it a complete choice to support the growth and maintenance of muscle mass.

In addition, Chlorella proteins are easily digestible, ensuring an optimal assimilation for our body.


And would you try to integrate seaweed into your diet?

Matteo Castioni - autoreMatteo Castioni