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Water sustainability: Piedmont oriented to the future with a pioneering project

In Piedmont, a new chapter is being written in the management of &' water, a chapter based on sustainability and &' innovation.

The pilot project presented by &' Anbi in &' Trecate-Cesano area promises to revolutionize the way in which we face challenges related to water resources.

An innovative project for an eclectic territory

The president of ANBI, Francesco Vincenzi, introduced this pioneering project, carried out in collaboration with leading companies, the confindustrial system and the &' East Sesia Irrigation Association.

Everything starts from Piedmont, but l&' the objective is to create a standard applicable at the national level.

The territory of Trecate-Cerano encompasses various water needs in sectors such as l&' industry, civil, l&' agriculture and animal husbandry.

Synergy for the future

The project aims to overcome sectoral divisions and embrace a synergistic model.

Massimo Gargano, general manager of Anbi, underlines l&' importance of moving from a competition between sectors to a synergistic collaboration in the management of water resources.

L&' Importance of the Water Level

L&' climatic instability has made the groundwater a key element in interactions with d& #39 courses; surface water, especially in areas with gravel-sandy deposits and in relation to agricultural practices.

The Four Phases of Change

The project proposes four basic types of intervention:

Optimization of the industrial water cycle: recover and reuse industrial water to contribute to environmental sustainability.

Recharging the aquifer: through rewatering wells, the aim is to trigger an artificial recharge process of the aquifer during periods of greater water availability.

Recovery of wastewater: a &' opportunity offered by the Cerano purifier to recover and reuse wastewater purified in agriculture.

Strategic reservoirs: exploiting the specificities of the territory, such as abandoned quarries, to create reservoirs capable of guaranteeing environmental sustainability and significant water recovery.

A cultural change

The project is not limited to &' practical implementation but aims at a cultural change.

Assoreca has involved the main environmental engineering companies to draft guidelines and address drought in a systemic way.

L&' multilevel approach involves the quantification of costs and L&' identification of financing tools for the construction, with L&' objective of advancing water sustainability in Piedmont and beyond.

In conclusion, Piedmont is paving the way for a smarter and more sustainable management of water resources, demonstrating that innovation, collaboration and systematicity are the keys to facing the climate challenges of our time.

We are only at &' beginning, but the sustainable future of &' water has found its roots in this fascinating Italian region.

Matteo Castioni - autoreMatteo Castioni