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UV-C rays in agriculture: will they allow us to eliminate pesticides?

The Future of &' sustainable agriculture

The future of &' agriculture will be increasingly oriented to sustainability. One of the technological innovations is l&' ultraviolet irradiation


Let's find out how this innovative technique, developed by ENEA in the “Ormesi” project, aims to transform the way in which we cultivate and consume fruits and vegetables.

A protective light: UV-C against pathogens

The first tests on basil, apples and lemons showed surprising results.

L&' UV-C radiation not only stimulated plant defenses, but also reduced the use of pesticides by 50%.


This technology opens up new perspectives for cultivation in greenhouses and on large crops.

Hi-tech robots for l&' agriculture of the future

ENEA is designing a small remote controlled robot equipped with optical sensors, ready to irradiation plants in a targeted manner.

Paolo Di Lazzaro, researcher at ENEA, explains how this hi-tech approach can quickly transfer technology to SMEs, revolutionizing the agricultural sector.

“Hormesis”: The power of light in &' agriculture

But how does it actually work? Paolo Di Lazzaro introduces us to the concept of 'hormesis', a positive stress induced

by ultraviolet light.

Plants react by producing metabolites, a sort of 'antibodies' that strengthen their natural defenses against pathogens and diseases.

A real revolution in the way we protect crops.

Positive impact on health and &' environment

Reducing l&' use of pesticides not only preserves the freshness and nutritional properties of fruits and vegetables, but also helps to limit l&' pollution of soil, water and air.

A fundamental step towards a &' eco-friendly agriculture.

'Tanned' and nutritious plants

UV-C treatment not only protects plants, but also increases their nutraceutical value.

L&' radiation stimulates the production of antioxidants, anthocyanin pigments and flavonoids: an additional benefit for our health.

In a world that seeks sustainable solutions, l&' agriculture with ultraviolet rays is presented as a &' innovation that promises a greener and more nutritious future for all of us.

Matteo Castioni - autoreMatteo Castioni