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Season your dishes to perfection! On our shop, you can find for sale online the vinegar from the best Italian producers, products that are strictly genuine and artisanal. All our products have been selected by experts to bring only the best of typical Italian cuisine to your tables.

Spaghetti & Mandolino is synonymous with quality and speed: we guarantee you a compliant packaging that preserves all the organoleptic characteristics and properties of the product, and a fast shipping to allow you to have these flavors on your table in no time.

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La Valeccia wine vinegar 500ml
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Vinegar: history and information

Italian vinegar is an incredible condiment, with origins rooted in the beautiful traditions of our country. Some prefer wine vinegar, others believe that apple vinegar is healthier, and there are even people who use white wine vinegar to clean their homes naturally. Using our vinegar this way would certainly be a waste, as the artisanal products we offer are of great quality and manage to provide a truly amazing taste experience, even when used to dress the simplest dishes.


Types of vinegar: red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar, and apple vinegar

Setting aside balsamic vinegar, for which we have created a separate section, let's take a look at the main differences between types of vinegar. White wine vinegar and red wine vinegar are produced through the same process: they are obtained from the acetic fermentation of wine through the action of yeasts. Acetic mother refers to the yeast that has formed naturally due to the action of air and temperature in the wine. The rather easy-to-understand difference between white wine vinegar and red wine vinegar is obviously the starting wine: the result surprises the palate, in the former case with an aromatic acidic delicacy, in the latter with a strong and characterful flavor. Finally, apple vinegar, produced from cider or apple must through the acidification process, is used to flavor foods and make them more digestible; it is also said to have disinfectant and refreshing properties.

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