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Vinitaly Verona Fair 2022

Vinitaly Fair 2022: I arrive on Monday, without traffic but with a big queue coming in, online yes, but not adequate.


pay for the ticket... 105 Euro, I enter and the usual panic: who do I go to at 10 in the morning? New, do I jump into old acquaintances or go on a flow?
I choose a small lineup of Vignaioli that I don't know made days ago, I enter the Enolitech pavilion to keep up to date on technological news.

From there I finally enter the Piedmont Pavilion and start my long tour.

I can find the vouchers geographically a bit' everywhere, some great winemakers with decent products, some small at their first experience with sincere wines to keep in mind and if possible help them commercially, others with a presence but haimè only because they are on a budget. #39

I find friends, agents, restaurateurs and organizers with all a &' a single voice: finally we can see each other despite the inculcated 'threats'.


go out in the evening and go to console myself like the icing on the cake at “The Garden of Hesperides” in Bardolino: sincere cuisine full of passion like enormous knowledge and l&' welcome of wine.

Fabio Ferrari - autoreFabio Ferrari