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A bruschetta... with an edge!

FedericaFederica Marrone

Hi friends, I have a recipe to share with you! Yes, I know, we eat tomato bruschetta a thousand times a year ago, but with &' arrival of &' summer I had l&' idea of creating a different version,

bruschetta with pesto alla Trapanese. #39

I'm not talking about the usual panzanella, but about a delicious alternative that's quick and easy to prepare, without the need to eat with your hands or have to clean the crumbs of bread that fall. The flavor is similar to that of tomato bruschetta, but with less bread and therefore lighter


I don't know about you, but I love bruschetta, and this recipe is easy and tasty. I hope that Bruschetta with Trapanese pesto will also become a perfect recipe for you for summer

! #39

Start by cutting and toasting the bread, then spread the pesto and add the pieces of bread. Mix everything and let it rest for a few minutes, then stir again before serving.

You can now enjoy your bruschetta, without the damn tomatoes that fall all the time!


A bruschetta... with an edge!: Inspiration content