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Bonnat Gran Cru 75% Real Chocolate from Xoconuzco and Visciole Wine by Luca Tenti

FabioFabio Ferrari

Discard the Bonnat Grand Cru 75% Real Chocolate from Xoconuzco and be intoxicated by the scent of roasting and &' aroma of rare Mexican cocoa beans.

E&' the first cocoa to have been imported by colonists into Europe and known and appreciated by the old world since 1850: Bonnat still works it with attention to ancient techniques so as not to distort its origin. #39
Hear the strong sound of dirt and enjoy the scents of plum, walnut and roasted coffee fumes: a pleasure to the eye before paragraph' taste.

Complete the libido with Luca Tenti's Wolf Sour Cherry Wine, which uses l&' ancient process of aromatizing a good 100% Aleatico red wine with wild sour cherries typical of Marche and &' Emilia Romagna, sour cherries, to create an excellent liquid of life and make us close our eyes and dream.

Bonnat Gran Cru 75% Real Chocolate from Xoconuzco and Visciole Wine by Luca Tenti: Inspiration content