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Bella Lodi: scopri i prodotti

In the heart of the Po Valley, in Lodi, the story of Pozzali Lodigrana was born. It was here that in 1947 three young brothers decided to start a &' a company in the dairy sector and became entrepreneurs.
Their family has always been linked to &' agriculture and the territory, and they decide to carry on this bond in their own way.

From Lodigrana to Bella Lodi: the story of a passion

Initially, the brothers structured their first dairy at &' inside &' their father's farm, and this is where they begin to transform milk, the result of their production and that of some nearby farms. Immediately the dairy is a great success.

About ten years later, in 1958, the second son Giovanni Pozzali inaugurated the new cheese factory in Casaletto Ceredano, in the province of Cremona, a few kilometers away from Lodi.
Over the years &' 90 l&' company, which in the meantime became Lodigrana, grew and diversified, acquiring more and more experience and importance. In fact, the dairy perfects its food technology, which allows it to obtain quality and hygiene guarantees.

Lodigrana grew to the launch of the dairy specialty that translates this family story into flavor: Bella Lodi, a sincere tribute to the millenary past of the Lodi region.
After innovations and expansions, the plant stands out in the Italian dairy sector.

Tradition and innovation hold hands

L&' the key element that distinguishes Bella Lodi is precisely tradition. The cheeses that are produced have a strong link with the past, both for certain external characteristics and for the processing method.
L&' quality has always been the primary objective: milk is l&' a fundamental ingredient for their products, and it is checked all year round. #39
The subject of verification are l&' diet of farmers' cattle, the health, the welfare of these animals, the conditions for transporting cheeses from the place of production to the consumers' table.
If tradition is important, so is l&' innovation. Keeping up with the times and with technologies has allowed Bella Lodi to excel in quality and as evidence of this, there are the highest international certifications it has obtained, such as that of the British Retail Consortium, of &' International Food Standard and of &' SGS.

L&' innovation has also allowed it to evolve towards sustainability: the packages are 100% compostable and 100% recyclable, thus respecting the environment and responding to the needs of our planet. #39
The certified natural absence of lactose is another innovative step that makes the Bella Lodi cheese factory

even more revolutionary.