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biologicoFregula Sarda 500g

    Corona Pastificio Artigianale    Typical product SardiniaSardinia

5,60 per 500g

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Fregula Sarda 500g

Fregula sarda is a type of pasta typical of Sardinia, particularly from the Campidano area.


The ancient origin of fregula sarda

Fregula sarda has an ancient history: it is said to have been brought to Sardinia by the Arabs during their dominion, when the island was part of the Arab-Islamic Empire. However, there are also theories suggesting that fregula sarda might have more ancient origins linked to the culinary traditions of the pre-Roman Sardinian peoples. In any case, fregula sarda has become an important part of Sardinian cuisine and is now served in many restaurants on the island, both as a main dish and as a side to meats, fish, and vegetables.


A unique and original pasta shape

The peculiarity of fregula is precisely its shape, these irregular “crumbs” of pasta, of varying sizes, are made by kneading for a long time a mixture of semolina and water. To achieve the spherical shape, the dough is then rolled between the fingers with a circular motion. This pasta is then toasted in the oven, thus taking on a darker color and an inimitable flavor.

Fregula Sarda 500g: How is it produced

Corona Pastificio Artigianale, Sardinia

Ingredients Fregula Sarda 500g

Ingredients: durum wheat semolina, spring water, Sardinian sea salt.

Nutritional values

Fregula Sarda 500g: use in the kitchen

Fregula Sarda can be prepared in many versions, from the most typical, like the one in broth with clams, to the more revisited ones, combining many different ingredients. The most typical Sardinian preparation is the one defined as incasada, in dialect “formaggiata”, which is made by boiling the pasta in saffron broth and finishing the cooking with grated pecorino cheese.


It can be prepared with fish: with a good ragù of mullet or more simply with clams or mussels. Even simply dressed with good olive oil or a good pesto makes sense. For those who are diligent and love to respect the seasons, fregula can also be paired with asparagus, artichokes, or mushrooms. Every recipe is a true discovery, rich in tradition and flavor: an excellent combination for seafood and land dishes.

Tasting notes

Fregula Sarda 500g: pairings

How to store Fregula Sarda 500g At its best

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5,60 per 500g

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