Spaghetti & Mandolino - prodotti tipici enogastronomici

Bring the best
of Italian food and wine to your table.

How does Spaghetti & Mandolin work?

By choosing Spaghetti & Mandolino you can shop for groceries online, in a simple and fast way, because we manage the entire part of collecting the products chosen, the painstaking preparation of your order and the shipment, we manage entirely. Bring Italian beauty to the table.

Selezione selecting We select excellent Italian products and manufacturers for you.
Acquisto Purchase You buy directly online or through WhatsApp.
Spedizione despatch We ship the products to you with care to guarantee the highest quality.
Valutazione Valuation Evaluate products to help us improve together with our suppliers.

Do you have any other questions or concerns? Here you will find all the answers

Do you want to know who we are? Here you can discover our story

Prodotti tipici - produttori

We want to bring to your table the best of Italian food and wine production.

Still not decided where to start?

Spaghetti & Mandolino (for friends only Spaghetti) represents the excellent Italian culinary proposal: your trusted e-commerce where you can find typical artisanal food products for sale online from companies that value the tradition and authentic flavors of our table every day.

Prodotti tipici salati Typical savoury products
Prodotti tipici dolci Typical sweet products
Vini italiani Italian wines
Cesti regalo Gift baskets

The new faces: stories of producers

Our mission is to bring to your table the best of Italian food and wine production, those producers who make the product their reason for living. A part of our time is dedicated to them: discovering new brands, new stories to tell, new typical products to taste. So, with us, you can buy unobtainable food and wine specialties, discover all the producers here.

Felicetti, excellent pasta from Trentino without vertigo!

Quality water and wheat make Felicetti pasta the excellence chosen by the best chefs!

Tuttocapra Soft Cheese 170g
Caseifici Zani
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Spring Onion Pate 190g
Cooperativa Agricola Ruggiero
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Sicilian Pistachio Pesto 180g
Antica Bottega Siciliana
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DOP cheeses

The dairy production of our beautiful country can boast a large number of DOP brand cheeses. This award is a symbol and guarantee of quality, traceability and genuineness, a prestigious denomination that encompasses the traditions of an entire territory and that protects, by handing them down, all the unique skills of master cheese makers from every corner of Italy.

Monte Veronese DOP: the cheese of the Venetian cheese tradition

Monte Veronese DOP: the most loved and transformist Veneto cheese. The basic ingredient of typical regional dishes such as risotto, is the jewel of the Veronese!

Puzzone di Moena DOP 1/4 of a 3kg shape
Caseificio Sociale Predazzo e Moena
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Asiago Fresh DOP “Gold of Time” 300g
Agriform SCA
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Campania Felix

The good, honest, and courageous Italy

This week, the International Food biennial, Tutto Food, was held in Milan.

This is the story… of Gragnano Pasta

Gragnano, at the time of the Romans, already had a wheat-milling business.

Crediamo nella sostenibilita

We believe in sustainability and respect for nature and the territory.

Typical products online:
the idea of Spaghetti & Mandolino

Day after day, we are creating a point of reference for lovers of genuine and traditional flavors, for lovers of Italian culinary traditions.
The “Casa Spaghetti & Mandolino” is the virtual place where every lover of Italian good taste can find what they are looking for to experience pleasure in sight, touch and above all smell and taste.

We search all over the country for typical products, from cheese to cold cuts, through pasta, desserts, wines and spirits, listening to what artisan producers have to tell us with an eye for farmers, for young agricultural entrepreneurs, for courageous women who want to tell about their relationship with their land of origin and the sacrifice for choosing to produce real specialties or recovered rarity that the whole world envies us.

Discover Italian specialties now >

Exclusive typical products

Our proposals have all been selected for you by experts. We want to make each of your ingredients and every moment of tasting unique, making you taste only the best of typical Italian products.

Typical Italian products

Fresh products

We specialize in the selection of fresh products such as cold cuts, cheeses, fruits and vegetables: we choose only the best producers and ship products collected or cut during the same day!

Cured meats
Fresh vegetables

Biological selection

The combination that combines local Italian tradition with organic production methods finds its maximum expression in this selection of items. Lots of taste and love for nature even in pasta!

Biological selection

Our producers

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Only products from excellent manufacturers Over 900 positive reviews