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biologicoHerring - Renga grilled in extra virgin olive oil 350g

    La Bottega della Renga    Typical product VenetoVeneto

21,00 per 350g

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Herring - Renga grilled in extra virgin olive oil 350g

The Renga alla brace from La Bottega della Renga is a small jewel of Veronese tradition.

The Renga in tradition

In the culinary tradition of the city of Verona, the “Renga” (that is, herring, preserved smoked under salt, then grilled, chopped, and kept in oil) is the main dish of Ash Wednesday. On this day in Parona (a neighborhood of Verona), along the Adige, the popular “Festa de la Renga” takes place, marking the end of Carnival and the beginning of the fasting and penance period leading up to Easter. Tradition holds that during Lent, fatty foods are avoided, and smoked herring was considered a light yet tasty food.

Herring - Renga grilled in extra virgin olive oil 350g: How is it produced

La Bottega della Renga, Veneto

Ingredients Herring - Renga grilled in extra virgin olive oil 350g

Ingredients: Herring 75%, extra virgin olive oil, parsley

Nutritional values

Valori nutrizionali per 100g diprodotto:
Energia 302kcal
Grassi 27g di cui  saturi 4,4g
Carboidrati 0,01g di cui zuccheri 0,00g
Proteine 14g
Fibre 0,01g
Sale 0,15g

Herring - Renga grilled in extra virgin olive oil 350g: use in the kitchen

We recommend eating herring in oil with polenta, but it is also excellent for dressing bigoli: put a small pot with oil on the heat, add a tablespoon of herring per person, heat it well, and the very flavorful sauce is ready.


The recipe varies from family to family, the one from La Bottega della Renga is the most classic: the best herring fillet, slightly smoked, is handcrafted, jarred, and labeled. The result is preserved in the highest quality extra virgin olive oil. This ancient recipe, elaborate but not difficult, allowed the preservation of fish for several days, which is no small feat in times when canned food and refrigeration did not exist.

Tasting notes

Herring - Renga grilled in extra virgin olive oil 350g: pairings

How to store Herring - Renga grilled in extra virgin olive oil 350g At its best

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21,00 per 350g

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