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biologico Goat gentian with vegetable rennet 1/4 of a 600g shape

    La Casara Roncolato     Typical product VenetoVeneto

18,90 per 1/4 di forma 600g ca.

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Delivery costs: 6,40 €
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Product shipped in thermal packaging (+1.90 €)
Delivery in: 2 - 4 days
Availability: Excellent
Ingredient table / Allergens: Latte

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Goat gentian with vegetable rennet 1/4 of a 600g shape

Formaggio a pasta cruda prodotto solo con latte di capra dei pascoli locali. Ha forma quadrata e viene stagionato per 3 mesi. Ha un forte aroma caprino tipico e una bella dolcezza con delle delicate note vegetali.
Ingredienti: latte di capra pastorizzato, caglio vegetale, fermenti lattici, sale

Goat gentian with vegetable rennet 1/4 of a 600g shape: How is it produced

La Casara Roncolato, Veneto


Ingredients Goat gentian with vegetable rennet 1/4 of a 600g shape

Nutritional values

Goat gentian with vegetable rennet 1/4 of a 600g shape: use in the kitchen

Buon formaggio da tavola da accompagnare a del vino bianco leggero e aromatico come un buon veltliner alto atesino. 

Tasting notes

Goat gentian with vegetable rennet 1/4 of a 600g shape: pairings

How to store Goat gentian with vegetable rennet 1/4 of a 600g shape At its best

Why do we like this product?

18,90 per 1/4 di forma 600g ca.

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