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Arancina or arancino?

FabioFabio De Vecchi

L&' Arab origin of &' arancina

The birth of this dish dates back to the domination of southern Italy by the Arabs, who had l&' habit of putting a little rice with saffron in the palm of their hand, making a ball of it and seasoning it with d& #39 meat; lamb. Over the years, the recipe has undergone numerous influences, so much so that the crunchy outer part arrived in 1200 thanks to

Frederick II.

Is this fantastic rice scoop called Arancina or Arancino?

L&' eternal cooking dilemma. The name of the dish derives from the fact that the shape recalls the fruit that Sicily abounds in: l&' orange. The distinction is given by the fact that in Catania the fruit is used masculine and therefore &' orange&', while in western Sicily for feminine: &' orange&'. So which one is correct? Well, with a Palermo doc in the team we have no doubts: for us, it will always be AranCina!

How to make a &' arancina?

So let's discover the recipe for a &' arancina revisited.

For 18/20 arancine you will need:

1 kg of Roma Rice by Acqua e Sole


Organic granular vegetable broth by Well Alimentare Italiana

Sale-Mipina tomato puree for the ragù



It comes out q.b.

Pepper q.b.

breadcrumbs q.b.

Seed oil

Put a pot full of & #39 on the fire; water, just this &' last it boils, add the saffron, the granular broth and pour in the rice. Boil for 5 minutes, cover the pot with a lid, turn off the heat and wait until the rice has completely absorbed l&' water. At this point, add a large piece of butter and let it cool. In the meantime, prepare the ragù with the tomato puree. Continue cooking until the sauce thickens well; finally, season with salt and pepper. At this point start composing the arancine: with wet hands take a handful of rice, crush it on your palm and place a spoonful of ragù in the center. It forms a ball about 7/8 cm in diameter. Once all the rice is rolled up, pass the arancine in breadcrumbs and fry them in plenty of seed oil, which must already be very hot, until completely golden


To fully appreciate this delicacy and enhance all its aromas and textures, I recommend that you uncork a&' excellent structured beer with citrus notes such as the IPA of Ca&' Verzini.

Arancina or arancino?: Inspiration content