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Cafone dei Camaldoli Bread, Neapolitan Sauce from Piennolo del Vesuvio and Beer Cheese

FabioFabio Ferrari

I'll take Cafone dei Camaldoli Bread from Panificio Morra, it's an ancient, traditional Campania bread made with excellent quality sourdough, soft wheat flour and salt. I touch it 1 centimeter high, I notice the color of the crumb and the scent that comes out when cut... I already have l&' my mouth is watering.

I spread the original Piennolo sauce by Sapori Vesuviani with a spoon to respect the Neapolitan tradition and cover everything with the Beer Cheese from the La Casara cheese factory, a classy touch with a surprising taste.

Bake at 160° for 6-8 minutes, until the cheese has melted and I taste it with the surprising Smoky beer from the Magis Brewery, a sweet, roasted and full-bodied stout that goes well with our culinary masterpiece.

Cafone dei Camaldoli Bread, Neapolitan Sauce from Piennolo del Vesuvio and Beer Cheese: Inspiration content