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Caseifici Zani: scopri i prodotti

With a legacy passed down from generation to generation, the Caseifici Zani offer fresh and aged cheeses, as well as ready-made dishes that preserve the authentic flavor of the region.

For more than fifty years, Caseifici Zani has brought genuine products to the table

The story of Caseifici Zani began in the early decades of the last century with Piero Zani, the founder, who started collecting milk from farmers in the Po Valley.
Over the years, the company has renewed its production processes, always maintaining high attention to quality and innovation.
Today, with a technologically advanced structure and a high level of qualification, Caseifici Zani ensures products that meet the highest quality standards.

From the careful control of milk to the processing and packaging stages

Every step is driven by the desire to offer the customer a product that meets the required characteristics.
Quality is certified through the corporate management system that ensures a controlled production process.
Caseifici Zani keeps the tradition and authenticity alive, offering consumers the emotion of the past and the assurance of healthy and genuine products.

Tradition and respect for the environment 

The Robiola, a versatile and high-quality cheese, is just one of the many treasures that the company presents to the tables of food lovers.
Additionally, the adherence to the Ethical Passport for Agri-food Productions (PEPA) testifies to the social and environmental commitment, enhancing products in national and international markets.
Choosing the products of Caseifici Zani is not just a journey into taste, but a choice of quality and respect for Italian dairy tradition.

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