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biologicoVialone Nano Wholemeal Rice 1kg

    Terre del Bosco    Typical product VenetoVeneto

4,90 per 1kg

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Delivery in: 2 - 4 days
Availability: Excellent
Ingredient table / Allergens: Cereali contenenti glutine, Crostacei, Frutta a guscio, Latte, Sedano, Senape, Uova

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Vialone Nano Wholemeal Rice 1kg

Among the ambassadors of the best Italian cuisine in the world, a place of honor undoubtedly goes to the Whole Grain Vialone Nano Rice from Terre del Bosco, the most sold variety in foreign markets. 

The Whole Grain Vialone Nano Rice is the line of tradition, the result of a completely artisanal processing technique, according to the method used in ancient rice mills. 

The Whole Grain Rice from Terre del Bosco is extremely rich in fiber and nutrients that bring numerous beneficial properties. It is highly digestible and has a very low glycemic index, including high amounts of vitamins and minerals.

From a general point of view, whole grain rice is a rather energetic food, rich in carbohydrates, with a significant but not excessive portion of protein and low fats, which is why it is particularly recommended for a healthy diet or for athletes.

Vialone Nano Wholemeal Rice 1kg: How is it produced

Terre del Bosco, Veneto

Ingredients Vialone Nano Wholemeal Rice 1kg

Riso vialone nano integrale

Allergeni: può contenere tracce di sedano, glutine, crostacei, uova, latte, frutta a guscio, senape.

Shelf life: 2 anni da data impressa sulla confezione.

Nutritional values

Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g di prodotto:

Energia: 1381,6 kj/ 330 kcal
Grassi: 1,8g di cui saturi 0
Carboidrati: 75g di cui zuccheri 1,1g
Proteine: 7,2g
Fibre: 1,9g
Sodio: 0g
Fosforo: 0,022g
Colesterolo: 0g
Sale: 0g

Vialone Nano Wholemeal Rice 1kg: use in the kitchen

The Whole Grain Vialone Nano Rice from Terre del Bosco, in its 1 kg format, has longer cooking times than white rice and tends to release less starch, which is why it is a bit less suitable for making risottos. However, it is excellent when seasoned with meat, fish, or vegetables. Recommended for every type of diet.

Cooking time: 24-26 minutes. Store in a cool, dry place.

Tasting notes

Vialone Nano Wholemeal Rice 1kg: pairings

How to store Vialone Nano Wholemeal Rice 1kg At its best

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4,90 per 1kg

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