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biologicoGin Mazzetti 700ml pack with 2 glasses

    Mazzetti d'Altavilla    Typical product PiedmontPiedmont

59,80 per 700ml

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Gin Mazzetti 700ml pack with 2 glasses

The Gin Mazzetti is a Gin that speaks of Piemonte, stimulating the senses and allowing for a deep inhalation of the scents that distinguish it.

Originally, it was called “zenèiver,” an ancient name given to juniper, whose berries were used not only for the production of Gin but also for digestive, purifying, anti-inflammatory, and balsamic purposes.

This London Dry is a sensory mine of the pre-Alpine valleys, prominently bringing out typical notes of the territory, making it suitable for both pure tasting and careful mixing.

Origin: Altavilla Monferrato

Alcohol: 42%

Gin Mazzetti 700ml pack with 2 glasses: How is it produced

Mazzetti d'Altavilla, Piedmont

Ingredients Gin Mazzetti 700ml pack with 2 glasses

Nutritional values

Gin Mazzetti 700ml pack with 2 glasses: use in the kitchen

The Gin Mazzetti is a Gin that stimulates the senses and allows you to deeply inhale the aromas that characterize it. You can enjoy it in all its purity or in a drink with careful mixing.


Flavor: intense notes of juniper.

Tasting notes

Gin Mazzetti 700ml pack with 2 glasses: pairings

How to store Gin Mazzetti 700ml pack with 2 glasses At its best

Why do we like this product?

This package contains 2 glasses and 1 long spoon to mix your cocktails.

WineHunter Award - awards won

WineHunter Award Gold 2019

Award Gold in 2019

59,80 per 700ml

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