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biologicoCacciator Organic Salami 170g

    Salumificio Pedrazzoli    Typical product LombardyLombardy

6,90 per 170g ca.

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Cacciator Organic Salami 170g

The BIO Salame del Cacciator is a small-sized salami that takes its name from the ancient tradition of hunters carrying these tasty, energetic, and protein-rich food rations in their bags.

The BIO Salame del Cacciator is produced from the processing of lean meat derived from the striated musculature of 100% Italian pork, with a production that is strictly organic and entirely carried out within the owned farms of Salumificio Pedrazzoli. Its peculiarity is the absence of dairy derivatives, polyphosphates, added preservatives, and gluten.

Cacciator Organic Salami 170g: How is it produced

Salumificio Pedrazzoli, Lombardy

Ingredients Cacciator Organic Salami 170g

Carne di suino italiano*, sale marino, zucchero di canna*, spezie*. * Prodotto biologico

Allergeni: nessuno

Shelf-life: 3 mesi

Nutritional values

Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g di prodotto

Energia: 363kcal / 1504kj
Grassi: 29g di cui saturi 13g
Carboidrati: 0,4g di cui zuccheri 0g
Proteine: 24g
Sale: 3,6g

Cacciator Organic Salami 170g: use in the kitchen

Delicate and particularly sweet and spicy, it should be consumed fresh with bread. Ideal for snacks, appetizers, and quality side dishes.

Tasting notes

Cacciator Organic Salami 170g: pairings

How to store Cacciator Organic Salami 170g At its best

Why do we like this product?

6,90 per 170g ca.

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