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Nasonte Condimenti Siciliani: scopri i prodotti

L&' Special Food Srl company is located in &' Sicilian hinterland and produces a wide range of food specialties typical of this extraordinary island under the Nasonte brand. L&' the idea behind it is to associate culinary imagination with the traditions of Sicilian cuisine, offering to the world market some lines of excellent quality agri-food products.

For the production of its products, Special Food uses only ingredients and raw materials from carefully selected regional artisans and never adds any preservatives, dyes, flour or thickener, seasoning only with aromatic herbs and extra virgin olive oil to make the genuineness of what you eat better known. In this way, he manages to develop ancient typical Sicilian and Mediterranean recipes, transferring all this goodness

into comfortable jars.

Nasonte, Special Food: gourmet Sicilian specialties, also BIO

Under the Nasonte brand l&' the assortment is very wide and includes appetizers, sauces, pesto, spreads, dried fruit and various flavors. Special Food distributes its products only to specialized stores and gourmet outlets, guaranteeing a &' high daily quality on your table, always.

Today, Special Food Srl wanted to create a new line of products under the Special Food brand “Gran Gourmet Food Typical of Sicily organic line”: in fact, it has also obtained the certification of a certified organic company, controlled by &' the CCPB srl entity. For the production of the BIO line, the best ingredients have been selected by Sicilian farms with producers of raw materials produced and certified organic. Fresh ingredients carefully selected and then handcrafted, seasoned with aromatic herbs and ancient Sicilian methods. Also for this line l&' the assortment is vast: appetizers, sauces, pates, pesto, dried fruit and various flavors.

Special Food boasts participation in fairs such as Cibus (Parma), TuttoFood (Milan), Artigiano in Fiera (Milan) and Salone del Gusto (Turin), obtaining remarkable results and awards. L&' the company today makes the flavors of Sicily known also in France, Germany, England and Switzerland
