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biologicoOrganic pear and ginger compote 210g without sugar

    Fontana Bio    Typical product VenetoVeneto

7,80 per 210g

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Organic pear and ginger compote 210g without sugar

It is a true organic delicacy made from the sweetest and ripest Williams pears and ginger roots. A compote with an exotic character but a traditional soul. Sweet and spicy, with a nicely balanced heat.
100% fruit, no added sugar.

Produced in a facility that uses nuts, celery, and mustard.

Organic pear and ginger compote 210g without sugar: How is it produced

Fontana Bio, Veneto

Ingredients Organic pear and ginger compote 210g without sugar

Ingredienti: pere 92%* (%variabile), sciroppo di agave*, succo di limone*, zenzero 0,3%*
* da agricoltura biologica

Prodotto in uno stabilimento che utilizza frutta a guscio, sedano e senape.
Shelf life: 24 mesi

Nutritional values

100g di prodotto contengono in media:
Valore Energetico Kcal 161
Valore Energetico Kj 680
Grassi 0 di cui Acidi Grassi Saturi 0
Carboidrati 37 di cui Zuccheri 34
Fibre 0
Proteine 0
Sale 0

Organic pear and ginger compote 210g without sugar: use in the kitchen

Good on spiced ginger, cinnamon, and pepper cookies. Excellent with chocolate ice cream and ideal for dark chocolate tarts. Also pairs well with high-quality 70% dark chocolate from South America. 

Tasting notes

Organic pear and ginger compote 210g without sugar: pairings

Da abbinare anche a tocchi di cioccolato al 70% fondente di qualità sudamericana.

How to store Organic pear and ginger compote 210g without sugar At its best

Dopo l'apertuta conservare da 0° a +4° e consumare in tempi brevi.

Why do we like this product?

WineHunter Award - awards won

WineHunter Award Rosso 2020

Award Rosso in 2020

7,80 per 210g

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