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Rare Italian cheeses

You have opened the chest of our most precious treasures. L&' Italia del Cacio is one of the most enjoyable places for all cheese lovers and for us the selection we offer you is a source of pride. Hundreds of products from all over Italy with the principle that the rarer they are, the more they are ours. Rare are all those cheeses that are produced in small pastures, territories, valleys and villages sometimes unknown to most people, but which make up the history of the Italian dairy heritage. Also rare are those award-winning refined cheeses, the works d&' dairy art that have won medals and that you will never find in large retailers. We have taken you amidst the rare cheeses produced by d& #39 companies; artisanal excellence that is doing school all over the world


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Blue 61 300g
La Casearia Carpenedo
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Morlacco del Grappa 200g
Caseificio Montegrappa
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Malga Novezza seasoned 200g
La Casara Roncolato
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Vento d'Estate Mountain hay vaccine 150g
La Casearia Carpenedo
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Morlacco del Grappa 300g
Caseificio Montegrappa
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Sant'Andrea mild cheese aged 6 months 200g
Latteria Sant'Andrea
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Piccolo Mariech di Malga medium seasoned half 260g
Azienda Agricola Ponte Vecchio
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Aged 12 months Sant'Andrea Vecchio cheese 200g
Latteria Sant'Andrea
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Malga Novezza seasoned 300g
La Casara Roncolato
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Blu di Lodi 200g
Caseificio Croce Angelo
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Bastardo del Grappa from alpine pastures 200g
Azienda Agricola Ceccato
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Monte Cesen Malga Mariech 200g
Azienda Agricola Ponte Vecchio
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Formaggio Pafiorito 200g
Gebr. Baldauf GmbH
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Pannerone di Lodi 200g
Caseificio Carena
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Blu Gins 1/16 of 150g shape
La Casearia Carpenedo
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Bagoss di Bagolino Presidio Slow Food 200g
Azienda Agricola Buccio Mario
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Rare Italian cheeses: history and information

How do we ship Rare Cheeses

Spaghetti & Mandolino has always been synonymous with quality: we are l&' the only e-commerce in Italy that guarantees only excellent products and that, as such, deserve shipping and packaging in accordance with standard that preserves paragraph' the integrity and freshness of each cheese thanks to special freshness-saving packages!

Here we jealously guard the rarities of the Italian dairy scene: those short-run local productions that are difficult to find, such as mountain cheeses. These are the rarest and most unique because they are handmade, impossible to replicate. Every form has its own story, its own journey, its extraordinary identity. Behind these works d&' white art there are shepherds who live in ancestral, ancient environments, forgotten by God who, however, renew transhumance, pasture, the true story of &' deeper Italy. This is also why we choose them: because more than ever they represent our philosophy of searching for good, clean and just


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